Emma Curley
Urban design

Urban Design

  • Local Area Plan
  • Client
    Kilkenny County Council

Loughmacask Local Area Plan

The ec team as part of Murray Ó Laoire Architects and in association with Malone O’Regan Consulting Engineers were commissioned by Kilkenny County Council to prepare a Local Area Plan (LAP) for Loughmacask.

Emma Curley acted as design team leader and coordinator of overall inputs into the Loughmacask Local Area Plan. The lands are situated within the environs of Kilkenny and represent a phased expansion of the urban footprint of the city. Key challenges included the maintenance of biodiversity at the proposed Natural Heritage Area, dealing with a SEVESO site in the locality and protection of the distinctive landscape features. A broad process of public consultation was undertaken in advance of the plan making process.

The Loughmacask LAP received a Planning Achievement Commendation in the Irish Planning Institute Awards of 2010.

The following is an extract from the citation:

  • Adopts a comprehensive approach to the integration of a wide range of factors which contribute towards the creation of a sustainable residential district;
  • Is based on a careful assessment of the characteristics of the existing landscape, resulting in the creation of a green network which not only facilitates pedestrians and cycle routes but also the provision of a sustainable urban drainage system;
  • Provides clear urban design guidance with the aim of creating a distinctive sense of place blending rural and urban characteristics; and includes a realistic range of implementation measures

Loughmacask LAP 2008 - 2014 was formally adopted on the 14th of April 2008 and was subsequently selected by the Irish Planning Institute to go forward as an Irish entry to the European Planning Achievement Awards.



Urban Design
